On Monday I took six pupils to the STEM Summit at Hilderthorpe Primary School at Bridlington.alongside Mrs Carey our science governor and Mrs Smith one of our parents. As the workshop related to the year four units ‘Living Things and…
Scientists and Inventors
This week our STEM Club pupils had two activities. One was to refine and improve the air balloon powered cars they made last week. There challenge was to modify the design and try using different size wheels, a different length…
Is it all hot air?
This week our STEM Club members tackled another engineering task using resources from https://stemresources.raeng.org.uk/. The pupils used kits to assemble some balloon powered cars which they then had great fun whizzing across the hall floor to see which would travel…
Up, up and away!
This week saw the after-school STEM Club tackle an engineering challenge using resources provided by https://stemresources.raeng.org.uk/ which is the Royal Academy of Engineering. The pupils needed to make a glider and then test its ability to fly by altering the…
Designing Rube Goldberg Machines
This week we have had more of an engineering focus rather than science. We investigated the chain reaction technique of a Rube Goldberg machine. Having watched a few example videos on YouTube, the pupils were inspired to create their own…
Bubbles bubbles everywhere…
Today we took our STEM club outdoors to investigate bubbles and answer the question ‘what bubble mixture produces the longest lasting bubbles?’ First of all we tested out different ratios of water/fairy liquid mixture to see what sort of bubbles…
After-school STEM Club has started!
This week saw the first session of our much awaited STEM Club. This term we are running it for our year 5/6 pupils although this will rotate through the school year groups over the course of the year. Our first…
Royal Society Judging Panel
We are really excited to announce that once again Brandesburton Primary School has been selected as one of the schools forming the judging panel for the short listed books for the Young People’s Book Prize 2022. This is organised by…
Welcome to our new science blog
On our science blog we are hoping to keep you updated with lots of exciting things that our children will be learning in science. Amongst the developments for this term is the completion of our work towards Science Capital certification.…