We are really looking forward to British Science week and each class has planned some exciting activities to really engage and enthuse the children. All classes will have a session using the microscopes that are on loan from the Royal…
The floor is lava!
Ok well perhaps not the floor, but the classroom was certainly full of lava lamps that were created by STEM Club tonight. The pupils loved measuring the correct amounts of water and oil and choosing the food colouring to add…
key Stage One trip to Magna Science Museum
Last Thursday, Key Stage One went on their first ever school trip and they were so excited about it! We were visiting Magna science museum to link to our current programme of work in science which is materials. More than…
In the middle of a chain reaction
Tonight the pupils learnt about chain reactions and the concept behind Rube Goldberg machines. The idea came from cartoonist Rube Goldberg who drew and designed complicated, comical ways of achieving everyday tasks. We watched some examples on Youtube which fascinated…
Will it fly?
This week we investigated balloon powered rockets using balloons. This was after we had looked at the rocket fuel scientist Mary Sherman Morgan, who once worked in a factory of 900 engineers where she was the only women. A true…
Y3/4 STEM Club week 2
This week the pupils had the chance to investigate different concentrations of foam bath mixed with water to see what would produce the optimum amount of bubbles whilst providing good value for money. Four of our STEM ambassadors attended the…
Meet the STEM Ambassadors
As briefly mentioned in the previous post we have created the role of pupil STEM Ambassador and this role has been given to five of our year 5/6 pupils. These pupils attended our y5/6 STEM Club and were so keen…
You’ve been slimed!
The new term has started and with it the next rotation of the after-school STEM Club. This term it is the turn of the year three and year four pupils to attend, ably accompanied by our newly created STEM Ambassadors…
Exciting news for outdoor learning in science!
Lots of things have been happening behind the scenes in recent weeks which are all starting to come to fruition. This will have a massive impact on opportunities for outdoor learning at our school. We are already fortunate to have…
Water water everywhere
For the last week of the year 5/6 STEM Club, we were investigating hard and soft water. We looked at a map of the UK and ascertained that the water in the East Riding area is predominantly hard water. We…